Complete Keyboard shortcuts list

Knowing the basic windows shortcuts and run command are very important because it can drastically reduce the stress of constantly moving your mouse on your desktop or drawing your fingers up and down, left and right on your laptop.
So i have compiled a comprehensive list of keyboard commands that can help you accomplish the work a mouse could do.

Power menupress Windows key + X or right click Start
Windows + TabLaunch Windows 10 Task View
Windows + QSearch the web and Windows with Cortana (speech)
Windows + SSearch the web and Windows with Cortana (keyboard input)
Windows + IOpen Windows 10 settings
Windows + AOpen Windows 10 notifications
Windows + LLock your Windows 10 device
Windows + Ctrl + DCreate new virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + F4Close current virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + [Left][Right]Switch between virtual desktops
Windows + [Left][Right][Up][Down]Position windows on your screenE.g. Windows + [Left]moves the current window to the left half of your screen. If you use Windows + [Up] afterwards, the current window will be placed in the upper left quarter of your screen.And, what’s very handy in my opinion: If you release theWindows key after positioning a window, Task View shows up on the opposite side of the positioned window to select and position another app.
Windows + HShare content (if supported by current app)
Windows + KConnect to wireless displays and audio devices
Windows + XOpen Start button context menu
Windows key + GStarts App recording
Windows + DShow Windows desktop
Windows + EOpen File Explorer
Windows + SpaceSwitch keyboard input language (if you have added at least a second one)
Windows + Shift + [Left][Right]Move current Window from one monitor to another (when using a multiple monitor setup)
Windows + [1][2][3][…]Open programs that are pinned to task barE.g. if first pinned program on your task bar is Windows Explorer (from left to right), the shortcut Windows + 1 opensWindows Explorer for you.
Windows + RRun a command
Windows + PProject a screen
Alt + TabSwitch to previous window
Alt + SpaceRestore, move, size, minimize, maximize or close current window. Also works like a charm for Windows 10 modern apps.
Alt + F4a) Close current windowb) If you’re on your Windows 10 desktop, open Power dialogue to shut down or restart Windows, put your device in sleep mode, sign out or switch the current user
CTRL + SHIFT + ESCOpen Task Manager
Alt + underlined menuOpen menu or program. Example, to open the Edit menu in WordPad, press Alt then press E on your keyboard. Repeat the same step for the menu you want to open.

General Windows keyboard shortcuts

Access help system in an applicationF1
Activate menu barF10
Close a programAlt + F4
Close current window in Multiple Document interface based programsCTRL + F4
Access right click menu in applicationShift + F10
Launch Start menuCtrl + ESC or Windows key
CopyCTRL + C
PasteCTRL + V
UndoCTRL + Z
System PropertiesWindows key + Pause/Break
Bypass auto-play when an external storage device is connectedHold down SHIFT key while inserting storage device.

Desktop, My Computer and File Explorer

For selected items, you can use the following shortcuts:
SearchCTRL + F or F3
Rename an itemF2
Delete an folder or files permanentlySHIFT + DEL
Access properties of a file or folderALT + ENTER or ALT + double-click
Copy a fileCTRL key while dragging file
Create a shortcutCTRL + SHIFT while dragging file
Select AllCTRL + A
Refresh contents of windowF5
View the folder one level upBackspace key
Close the selected folder and its parent foldersSHIFT key while clicking the close button
Switch between left and right panesF6

File Explorer commands

Switch between left and right panesF6
Expand all subfolders under the selected folderNUMLOCK + ASTERISK when using a numeric keyboard
Expand the selected folderNUMLOCK + PLUS sign when using a numeric keyboard
Collapse the selected folderNUMLOCK + MINUS sign when using a numeric keyboard
Expand current selection if it’s collapsed, otherwise select first subfolderRight arrow
Collapse current selection if its expanaded, otherwise select parent folderLeft arrow
Properties dialog commands
Move forward throught optionsTab key
Move backward through optionsSHIFT + Tab
Move forward through tabsCTRL + Tab
Move backward through tabsCTRL + SHIFT + TAB

Open and Save dialog commands

Open the Save In and address barCTRL + O and F4
Open the folder one level up, if a folder is selectedBACKSPACE

Windows 10 Command Prompt keyboard commands

Text Selection
SHIFT + LEFT ARROWMoves the cursor to the left one character, extending the selection.
SHIFT + RIGHT ARROWMoves the cursor to the right one character, extending the selection.
SHIFT + UP ARROWSelects text up line by line starting from the location of the insertion point.
SHIFT + DOWN ARROWExtends text selection down one line, starting at the location of the insertion point.
SHIFT + ENDIf cursor is in current line being edited* First time extends selection to the last character in the input line.* Second consecutive press extends selection to the right margin.ElseSelects text from the insertion point to the right margin.
SHIFT + HOMEIf cursor is in current line being edited* First time extends selection to the character immediately after the command prompt.* Second consecutive press extends selection to the left margin.ElseExtends selection to the left margin.
SHIFT + PAGE DOWNExtends selection down one screen.
SHIFT + PAGE UPExtends selection up one screen.
CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROWExtends the selection one word to the right.
CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROWExtends the selection one word to the left.
CTRL + SHIFT + HOMEExtend selection to the beginning of the screen buffer.
CTRL + SHIFT + ENDExtend selection to the end of the screen buffer.
CTRL + AIf cursor is in current line being edited (from first typed char to last type char) and line is not emptyand any selection cursor is also within the line being editedSelects all text after the prompt.  (phase 1)ElseSelects the entire buffer.  (phase 2)

Edit commands

CTRL + VPaste text into the command line.
SHIFT + INSPaste text into the command line.
CTRL + CCopy selected text to the clipboard.
CTRL + INSCopy selected text to the clipboard.
CTRL + MEnter “Mark Mode” to move cursor within window.
ALTIn conjunction with one of the selection key combinations, begins selection in block mode.
ARROW KEYSMove cursor in the direction specified.
PAGE KEYSMove cursor by one page in the direction specified.
CTRL + HOMEMove cursor to beginning of buffer.
CTRL + ENDMove cursor to end of buffer.

History navigation keys

CTRL + UP ARROWMoves up one line in the output history.
CTRL + DOWN ARROWMoves down one line in the output history.
CTRL + PAGE UPMoves up one page in the output history.
CTRL + PAGE DOWNMoves down one page in the output history.

Additional commands

CTRL + FOpens “Find” in console dialog.
ALT + F4Close the console window, of course!

Keyboard Run Commands

Use the following to access locations such as Control Panel items, File Explorer shell folders quickly using the run command.
OpensPress Windows + R and type:
Open Documents Folderdocuments
Open Videos foldervideos
Open Downloads Folderdownloads
Open Favorites Folderfavorites
Open Recent Folderrecent
Open Pictures Folderpictures
Adding a new Devicedevicepairingwizard
About Windows dialogwinver
Add Hardware Wizardhdwwiz
Advanced User Accountsnetplwiz
Advanced User Accountsazman.msc
Backup and Restoresdclt
Bluetooth File Transferfsquirt
Change Computer Performance Settingssystempropertiesperformance
Change Data Execution Prevention Settingssystempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
Change Data Execution Prevention Settingsprintui
Character Mapcharmap
ClearType Tunercttune
Color Managementcolorcpl
Command Promptcmd
Component Servicescomexp.msc
Component Servicesdcomcnfg
Computer Managementcompmgmt.msc
Computer Managementcompmgmtlauncher
Connect to a Projectordisplayswitch
Control Panelcontrol
Create A Shared Folder Wizardshrpubw
Create a System Repair Discrecdisc
Data Execution Preventionsystempropertiesdataexecutionprevention
Date and Timetimedate.cpl
Default Locationlocationnotifications
Device Managerdevmgmt.msc
Device Managerhdwwiz.cpl
Device Pairing Wizarddevicepairingwizard
Diagnostics Troubleshooting Wizardmsdt
Digitizer Calibration Tooltabcal
DirectX Diagnostic Tooldxdiag
Disk Cleanupcleanmgr
Disk Defragmenterdfrgui
Disk Managementdiskmgmt.msc
Display Color Calibrationdccw
Display Switchdisplayswitch
DPAPI Key Migration Wizarddpapimig
Driver Verifier Managerverifier
Ease of Access Centerutilman
EFS Wizardrekeywiz
Event Viewereventvwr.msc
Fax Cover Page Editorfxscover
File Signature Verificationsigverif
Font Viewerfontview
Game Controllersjoy.cpl
IExpress Wizardiexpress
Internet Exploreriexplore
Internet Optionsinetcpl.cpl
iSCSI Initiator Configuration Tooliscsicpl
Language Pack Installerlpksetup
Local Group Policy Editorgpedit.msc
Local Security Policysecpol.msc
Local Users and Groupslusrmgr.msc
Location Activitylocationnotifications
Malicious Software Removal Toolmrt
Manage Your File Encryption Certificatesrekeywiz
Microsoft Management Consolemmc
Microsoft Support Diagnostic Toolmsdt
NAP Client Configurationnapclcfg.msc
Network Connectionsncpa.cpl
New Scan Wizardwiaacmgr
ODBC Data Source Administratorodbcad32
ODBC Driver Configurationodbcconf
On-Screen Keyboardosk
Pen and Touchtabletpc.cpl
People Near Mecollab.cpl
Performance Monitorperfmon.msc
Performance Optionssystempropertiesperformance
Phone and Modemtelephon.cpl
Phone Dialerdialer
Power Optionspowercfg.cpl
Presentation Settingspresentationsettings
Print Managementprintmanagement.msc
Printer Migrationprintbrmui
Printer User Interfaceprintui
Private Character Editoreudcedit
Problem Steps Recorderpsr
Programs and Featuresappwiz.cpl
Protected Content Migrationdpapimig
Region and Languageintl.cpl
Registry Editorregedit
Registry Editor 32regedt32
Remote Access Phonebookrasphone
Remote Desktop Connectionmstsc
Resource Monitorresmon
Resultant Set of Policyrsop.msc
SAM Lock Toolsyskey
Screen Resolutiondesk.cpl
Securing the Windows Account Databasesyskey
Set Program Access and Computer Defaultscomputerdefaults
Share Creation Wizardshrpubw
Shared Foldersfsmgmt.msc
Snipping Toolsnippingtool
Sound recordersoundrecorder
SQL Server Client Network Utilitycliconfg
Sticky Notesstikynot
Stored User Names and Passwordscredwiz
Sync Centermobsync
System Configurationmsconfig
System Configuration Editorsysedit
System Informationmsinfo32
System Propertiessysdm.cpl
System Properties (Advanced Tab)systempropertiesadvanced
System Properties (Computer Name Tab)systempropertiescomputername
System Properties (Hardware Tab)systempropertieshardware
System Properties (Remote Tab)systempropertiesremote
System Properties (System Protection Tab)systempropertiesprotection
System Restorerstrui
Task Managertaskmgr
Task Schedulertaskschd.msc
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Managementtpm.msc
Turn Windows features on or offoptionalfeatures
User Account Control Settingsuseraccountcontrolsettings
Utility Managerutilman
Volume Mixersndvol
Windows Action Centerwscui.cpl
Windows Activation Clientslui
Windows Anytime Upgrade Resultswindowsanytimeupgraderesults
Windows Disc Image Burning Toolisoburn
Windows Explorerexplorer
Windows Fax and Scanwfs
Windows Firewallfirewall.cpl
Windows Firewall with Advanced Securitywf.msc
Windows Journaljournal
Windows Media Playerwmplayer
Windows Memory Diagnostic Schedulermdsched
Windows Mobility Centermblctr
Windows Picture Acquisition Wizardwiaacmgr
Windows PowerShellpowershell
Windows PowerShell ISEpowershell_ise
Windows Remote Assistancemsra
Windows Repair Discrecdisc
Windows Script Hostwscript
Windows Updatewuapp
Windows Update Standalone Installerwusa
Versione Windowswinver
WMI Managementwmimgmt.msc
XPS Viewerxpsrchvw
The name and terminology used for certain commands and functions have been revised in Windows 10, along with their locations. The following table provides how you can find and access them.
Original NameNew Name, location and Functions
Windows ExplorerFile Explorer – (Press Windows key + E to launch)
Favorites Navigation Pane (Windows Explorer)Quick Access
Folder optionsOptions (Files Explorer > View tab > Options)
Recent ItemsLocated in File Explorer > This PC > Recent Files
Computer or My ComputerThis PC
Control PanelSettings (classic Control Panel can still be accessed – Windows key + X then click Control Panel)
View Available NetworksNetwork Flyout – Notification or Show Available Networks (Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Additional settings.
Action Centerclip_image001Located in the System Tray. Manage incoming email, system, social media notifications.
Start menuStart
Task Viewclip_image002Create and Manage multiple desktops
Aero SnapSnap Assist – easily manage open windows on screen.
All ProgramsAll Apps
Shutdown/Turn off computerPower
Switch UsersLocated at the top of the Start represented by your account name

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