7 Things to consider when building your Gaming PC

A custom Gaming PC is just like a diamond to people who loves gaming on PC rather than on consoles, and most people prefer gaming on PC because it flexible in a way that you could install mods/scripts, edit scripts and many more customization that you probably could not do on a console.
But to build a gaming PC can range from cheap to highly costly depending on specification.

So you might have a question which is, "Why don't i just do my gaming on a laptop, why do i have to get a desktop for it?"
The answer is simple,

  • Laptop is not as powerful as a desktop, though there are laptop specially built for gaming by Asus and other companies.
  • Processor Performance
  • Graphics Performance
  • Practical performance
  • Upgrade options  
  • Read their full descriptions here

So what are the options to consider when building you own Gaming Rig 

  1. Overclocking and Heat                                                                                                               If you overclock a Ram, Processor, or Graphics card, it will make your PC perform faster than the manufactures settings. But overclocking will make your PC to produce more heat thereby making you to consider a proper cooling system
  2. Proper Cooling                                                                                                                               Proper cooling plays a major role in expanding your gaming rig life span and performance. you are free to choose Air, or Water cooling system, though Air cooling is cheap.
  3. Graphics Card:                                                                                                                               Though is is very necessary, but you don't need one if you are going for a modern motherboard cos most motherboards are equipped with a powerful on-board Graphics card that allows smooth game-play at lower quality graphics settings but an eternal graphics card will give you high quality and more frames when you play your games.
  4. Monitor color, Resolution & Size:                                                                                               The monitor also play an important role in your games, so choose well.                                       The recommended size and resolution today is 22-inch with a 1920x1080 resolution, Monitors with those spec are common now, and are not too expensive
  5. Power Consumption:                                                                                                                    Getting a Gold Certified Power Supply Unit (PSU) makes your PC more power efficient. A cheap PSU will not supply your PC with enought electrical juice, so spend money and get a better PSU
  6. Solid state speed and storage:                                                                                                      Today, Hard Drives are no more costly as it was before, but getting a costly Hard Drives will boot up your PC faster and will spoil you with the speed
  7. Ram Size & Speed:                                                                                                                          The bigger and costly, the better.  You will need more RAM to play your games smoothly.

This list might increase as time goes on.
If i have missed any thing, please use the comment section of this post to notify me.
If you have a question as well, also comment them, i will answer as soon as i see it.
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Tuesday, January 05, 2016 9:30:00 pm ×

No problem

Congrats bro lex you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...
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