How to fully integrate simple server on pc | Modem or no Modem

Getting simple server to work on all software on your pc without manually configuring them might be hard for some people, while most people including me are enjoying it off.
How is it done ? well i know that what you are looking for, and note, this was done using windows 8.1 so windows 8 users, its the same thing but to access some settings might be a little different.
For example: In windows 8.1, i can go into connection settings straight from the "Networks" tab, while in windows 8.1, you have to go through settings.
So lets start the tutorial.

1 First! meander your way into your connection settings and then click on add a VPN Connection

2 Follow what you see on the screenshot bellow and click save

4 you have to click on your VPN and choose Edit, Now Scroll down to the bottom and switch on "Use a proxy server" type in as Address and 8080 as port the leave everything else blank, save and exit.
Now you are done setting the VPN up.

Make Google Chrome Work
One more thing, to get chrome working you have to go to its settings==>Show advanced settings...==>Networks==>Change proxy settings==>LAN settings


And then tick Proxy server and follow what you see on the screenshot bellow, then you're done

When you connect to your phones WiFi, the VPN will connect automatically as the screenshot below explains everything.
When not connected

When connected

After these settings, you are good to go, but if you want to use a normal (non simple server) network, you will have to disable "Use a Proxy server" in chrome.
You don't understand these settings or you know it already and you think i made a mistake ? 
feel free to use the comment section and and let me know. thanks.

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